Saturday, September 8, 2012



2833 Delphi/Breda


B4874A0-C (formerly B467220-C)

Primary: K5 Orange dwarf

Other Inhabited Worlds:

Kenmore: Y110300-C (gas giant moon, revamped naval base)
Amana, Maytag, Sears: minor GG moons, mining outposts

Surface Gravity: .5

Before the Rebellion, Frigidaire was known mostly for producing refrigeration equipment.  The world is thought to have been terraformed during the Ancients era 300,000 years ago, and has a 'benign' biosphere of mostly plants and small crab-like animals.

The system saw heavy fighting between Margaret's faction and the Solomani, but mostly around the Naval and Scout bases at the system's only gas giant.  The life bearing world at the center of the system was mostly spared, its starport receiving the only major damage, but that was fully rebuilt in a few years.

Like many worlds around it, though, it suffered greatly form the economic collapse, and its small population of a few thousand shrunk to only 950 due to diseases and limited medical supplies with off-world supplies choked off.

After the war, Frigidaire's pleasant biosphere was intact, the system sparsely settled and defended, but with a starport that still had intact repair facilities.

All that made it far too attractive a prize for rogue elements of Margaret's fleet post-cascade.  Deserting their fleet after months of preparation and selecting only crewmembers they could trust, the rogue fleet elements under the command of a Captain Garwood fled to Frigidaire, easily conquered the world and system, and set themselves up as its rulers and masters.

The occupying fleet consists of Garwood's own 60,000 ton cruiser, two 20,000 ton fleet escorts, and a handful of smaller combat ships.  After conquering Frigidaire, they quickly set about re-establishing the wrecked naval base at Kenmore for their own purposes.   They now form a blockade of both the Gas Giant Whirlpool and Frigidaire, controlling almost all refueling points in the system.  They charge ships passing through exorbitant tolls to refuel, and have the means and firepower to shoot down those who don't comply.

Often--many times on trumped-up charges--ships will be boarded by force and seized if its thought that its crew and officers are uncooperative or hostile.  Sometimes not all the ship is seized, but only some of its crew or cargo may be taken and the rest allowed to go.  Besides the original warships, the system is now patroled by a few dozen of smaller craft seized from crews passing through.

The Frigidaire system is still under the authority of Captain Garwood, in essence a dictator but a pretty popular one, at least with those in charge.  The officers and crews who came with Garwood, along with their families, some 10,000 total in the system, are treated as full citizens with full rights and privileges.  The surviving original inhabitants of Frigidaire, about 1000, are treated as second class citizens, but are still considered free with most rights intact.

The remaining 9,000 people in the system are 'indentured workers', basically a slave labor force that were pressed from captured ships and whatever families they may have had since.  Some work on Frigidaire and Kenmore, but more than half work in bare-bones mining facilities on the gas giant moons, extracting ore for their masters' industries and projects at fairly high mortality rates.

Garwood and his cohorts have ruled the system for more than 20 years now.  At least for the time being, they do not seem to have much ambition of spreading out or conquering any of its neighbors.  They do, however, very occasionally conduct raids into their immediate neighbors.

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